Creating Reality

JJ 🦾
3 min readSep 2, 2020

“Give order to your future by attending to it with your thoughts.” This is what Darth Plagueis told his apprentice, Darth Sideous during his training. As a sidenote, this (Darth Plagueis) is an excellent book and one of the best EU stand alone novels before Disney bastardized it. To move forward, back in January of 2019 I wasn’t in a great situation. Long story short, wasn’t in best living situation and my previous job wasn’t treating me right. Everyday was a slog, saved only by socializing with people on twitter and going to the bar/Jets games to watch football. Flag football also saved me, but during that month I broke my finger and needed surgery.

I applied for my current position, and it was a job I desperately wanted. I felt like I aced the interview, but I was nervous because of how long it was taking for the company to respond. If I got the job, I knew I’d be getting at least double my salary at the time. January I started to write down what I wanted ‘I got a new job and an apartment’. I want to say mid January, I got the job offer and instantly said yes. Then I broke my finger, and I had a super unfortunate and sudden obstacle (paying for my subsequent surgery and rehabilitation while transitioning jobs). Still I wrote down my desires in February, even as I was stretching out mere dollars and cents for weeks.

I felt things coming into form when I went out to Newark to look at apartments. My credit was mediocre, to put it kindly, due to me thinking I was a baller when I was in my early 20s as well as some unexpected expenses. Just as a reminder to any young people reading this, you’re never a baller in your early 20s. Credit is a mirage. But, the leasing manager told me that if I submitted the application, I would be approved. Lo and behold, I was. I saved up enough money to move to this new apartment. I wrote down every day that I will move to this apartment, and it happened.

Overtime, I began putting a list of my desires into the iPhones notes app and writing them down every day as reinforcement. Literally, every day as I sat on the bus I would write my same desires over and over. And, something funny happened. They all started to happen. Maybe not all at once or right away, but I notice I began putting myself into the right situations and saying the right things to make my desires come true.

I remember having dinner with a friend of mine, and I started downplaying the idea of being a Vice President (lack of experience, leadership, etc…). He then said something that honestly changed my thinking ‘Why not you?’ It shocked me out of my self doubting stupor and I began to put that down in my list of desires.

As Plagueis said, I put order to my future by attending to it with my thoughts. Now that doesn’t mean I just sit there and good things happen to me, or I don’t experience setbacks. It just means that whatever happens, I know I will eventually achieve my goals in the end. A lot of times, people write their desires but they won’t *do* their desires, and they form resentment. That can’t happen. You have an end goal, you’ve written it down, now act on it. Be the person you want to be and create a better world for at least one other person in your life.

